I wish to have a clarification regarding the SKY13...
# sky130
I wish to have a clarification regarding the SKY130 PDKS. Are the pdks in the following links point to the same ? 1. make pdk in https://github.com/efabless/caravel_user_project/blob/main/docs/source/index.rst 2. make pdk in https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenLane may i know the variations and updation between the two...
They should be more or less the same, but the Caravel user project will have the git repositories pegged to a specific commit so that everyone submitting to an MPW will be using the same version of the PDK (with occasional updates as sometimes we have to apply bug fixes). Just cloning and installing from the OpenROAD project should always clone the most recent PDK.
Thankyou so much Mr.Tim Edwards. For the MPW2 shuttle could you please suggest which one PDK I should stick on to..
There are tags on the repositories with names "mpw-two-a", "mpw-two-b", etc. Whichever one of these is most recent for the repository is the one that you want. We freeze the commit numbers for each run, but inevitably there are emergency bug fixes that cause us to have to bump up to a more recent commit of one or more of the tools.
Yes, I can able understand the situation. Thanks for the valuable input.