I came across this (very old) paper <https://ieeex...
# analog-design
I came across this (very old) paper https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/1050943 "High Density CMOS ROM Arrays" which, although very much out of date, gives a design of a CMOS ROM which seems reasonable to me. The thing I like the most is it uses dummy bit lines to determine the length of the precharge cycle, and is essentially asynchronous, i.e. a precharge cycle is initiated when an address line changes. I wonder if any one could tell me if there are newer design methods that are more suited to modern processes? I have access to journal papers and e-books through my work, although my searches only turned up this paper. Can anyone recommend any other resources (i.e. text books, papers?)
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I an wondering how easy it will be to reuse the OpenRAM (https://openram.soe.ucsc.edu/) infrastructure to make ROM ?
Interesting, the simple 8Kx16 ROM in xschem examples uses a reference bitline as well. using dummy elements is a good and very often used approach to calibrate sense amplifier timings. The ref bitline has all transistors connected so it is a kind of 'worst case' . When sufficient signal has been developed on this bitline the read can be done on all other bitlines.
@Stefan Schippers Yes I was impressed by the 8k ROM example, but I couldn't get it to simulate for some reason, and understanding the many schematics was a little difficult for me without any frame of reference. If noone can suggest more modern references, I'll just work over that paper and implement a small ROM. Perhaps then I can understand your 8k design ๐Ÿ™‚
@Ronan BARZIC yes that is a good question. I would like develop some automated script that can act as a silicon ROM compiler. Using OpenRAM as a starting point is a good idea, I'll have a look at it.
@jrsharp Thank you for commenting the sample rom8k issues. I have committed some additional comments in the sample circuit. To simulate the rom8k you need to copy one file (provided in the install directories ) into the simulation directory (where spice reads netlist and writes results) and follow the instructions, then download a model file. Just do a 'q' (edit attributes) on the 'STIMULI' code block and read. Unfortunately i can not package model files with xschem as they are generally non free or without a license. I agree, it's not a trivial example (14K transistors, more than 6000 in circuitry, rest in (partially programmed) array) so some steps are needed.
@jrsharp when first trying rom8k i was not even convinced ngspice to be able to manage it. Not only it did, it completed the sim in a very short time
@Stefan Schippers thanks for the tips. I'll look into simulating the design.
@Ronan BARZIC: ROM is planned for the OpenRAM project. There is an #openram channel here if you want to check out what's going on with OpenRAM development for Sky130.