<@U01819B63HP> I'm trying to use xschem to draw a ...
# analog-design
@User I'm trying to use xschem to draw a simple schematic, but none of the keys are working except insert. So it's very annoying to zoom, move, copy or wire things as everything has to be done through menu clicks. This is running in a VM. Ever seen this before?
Hi @Matt Venn, I have experienced something similar in a VM. It happened to me when the keyboard of the VM was in spanish. I switched the language of the kayboard to english and then it worked fine.
Interesting. I switched to UK English
I'll have to try back in us english
@Matt Venn I don't think it's your problem, however xschem warns you in the bottom status bar if Caps-lock or Num-Lock keys are set. If this is the case disable those modifiers.
@Diego Hernando that was it. In the US keyboard the mouse scroll and keyboard shortcuts work 🤯
🙌 1
@Matt Venn this is surprising. There are very few differences between UK English and US English. can't figure out why...
It's not a keyboard thing it's a VM thing. The more I use a VM the more I hate it.
Virtual machines produce virtual problems, but they affect real life anyway, lol....