Hello Guys, Has anyone encountered this error befo...
# analog-design
Hello Guys, Has anyone encountered this error before on NGSPICE. I am trying to do a transient simulation of a current sensor No. of Data Rows : 0 doAnalyses: TRAN: Timestep too small; initial timepoint: cause unrecorded. Attaching a snippet of the circuit below
@User Increase the time step in . trans command if you are performing transient simulation
Hi @User its at 0.1ms will increase to 0.5ms and check
And what is the step size?
Tran is for 1ms with step size of 0.1 ms
You should give start time stop time and then step
I think there is a syntax with just step and stop time. Trying with <start stop step>
👍 1
@User i tried with a start time still the same problem
I read online i might have to give the capacitor some initial charge to avoid this any idea how i can do that?
You have given pulse input. I can see the time in usec . Try to do trans simulation in usec
Trying it .
However should that cause a problem different order of magnitude in Tran and pulse sources
Yes I guess..
I tried still the same I think it has something to do with the capacitor I removed it to check what will happen
Its not able to find the DC bias point its failing because of that i need to check why DC setup is failing
@User I played around a little and looks like the issue was with some of the transistors in my comparator since the input signals came through a power transistor ngspice was not able to calculate the dc bias and failed. I manually set the gate voltages to zero and it worked fine
Great 👍