Hi! Can anyone here suggest an analog integrated...
# analog-design
Hi! Can anyone here suggest an analog integrated circuit design which could be considered a good practice in integrating components like current mirrors, voltage reference circuits, op-amps, etc. ? An all transistor design will be preferable.. Thanks in advance !
I can suggest a bad example of All CMOS self-biased current source. It has current mirrors and a pseudo differential amplifier in it. https://github.com/lhrodovalho/sky130sbcs Why this is a good example: 1. It uses common centroid layout technique 2. All signal metal wires are shielded with parallel wires connected to GND 3. All transistors have the same size, so everything is well matched. Everything is done with series-parallel transistor arrays (rectangular transistor arrays) Why it is a bad example: 1. It is a full custom design without any schematics. Consequently, there is no LVS. 2. Simulations are made using netlists extracted directly from the layouts, using Magic VLSI and ngspice. All designs are inside a /lib folder. Inside there is a /lib/xxx/mag folder, with the layouts and extracted netlists, /lib/xxx/ngspice/, with spice testbenchs and /lib/xxx/data, with simulation results data
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@User Thanks for your response ! Really appreciate it. Wow. I never thought that someone will just go straight for layouts without schematic and pre-layout simulation.. like it's not that easy to make changes post-layout on the fly right ? Or is it a preferred design methodology in some cases.. ? Just curious !
It's only possible because it is a really simple design with few transistors. A whole system is another thing. And I would be lying if I said I didn't make any pre-layout simulations. I did a lot of spice only simulations before beginning the layout.
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Okay i see. Thanks again ! :)