Hi, I'm trying to understand the configuration of ...
# openlane
Hi, I'm trying to understand the configuration of PDK's files used in OpenLANE. In my understanding, in order to generate GDS of only cores (withoug IO buffers), needed minimum set are (1)LEF of standard cells (its physical layout and terminal info), (2)Liberty of standard cells (its logic function and timing model), and (3)routing setting based on process (track layer, width, pitch, via size, etc.). Is it possible to use OpenLANE for other process than SkyWater by preparing these set of files?
They are described in openlane/doc/PDK_STRUCTURE.md ...?
@akita11: The answer is yes. Pointing to these files using the guidelines(pointers) mentioned in this readme should get it running with any PDK. However, the setback would be obtaining the .mag files which is done by open_pdks. Still, you can use open_pdks with some tweaks to generate those for any pdk (theoretically) -Tim Edwards did that on 2 non-skywater pdks-
👍 1
Thanks, I’ll continue to survey them as well as OpenPDK.