Ok, got a GDS out, running through DRC's taking f...
# openlane
Ok, got a GDS out, running through DRC's taking forever. Also ... no idea if there was errors, couldn't see the whole scroll back.
are you using the exploration script to try different variables or just manually tweaking the config and re running?
I manually tweaked.
With auto placement or auto-sizing I could never even get past placement. With auto pins I couldn't get past routing. So I ended up with manual size specifications, manual macro placement and manual pin placement.
But ATM I'm just in openlane, not in the caravel. Haven't even looked at that yet 😩
by manual pin placement, do you mean this kind of env in config.tcl? https://github.com/efabless/caravel/blob/release/openlane/user_project_wrapper/config.tcl#L4
👍 1
getting the caravel sim going wasn't too bad after the library stuff was fixed. I forgot how slow vanilla SPI flash XIP code was though 😬 Not a big deal for my project, not enough to put effort into making the program faster anyway
going to try the pin_order config too and see if it makes triton happy
Yeah, this might be a problem for me ... running off flash is going to suck for a usb stack 😕
allocating 1KB of the included DFFRAM for the hottest of hot functions sounds annoying, but not sure what the alternative is if speed is important
unless you can squeeze in another one of those openRAM blocks..
I probably can squeeze more SRAM. The complete usb core is only 0.75 mm^2