Great Opportunity by FOSSEE, IIT Bombay (and it's ...
# sky130
Great Opportunity by FOSSEE, IIT Bombay (and it's free) FOSSEE, IIT Bombay, along with VLSI System Design (VSD) Corp. Pvt. Ltd. is organizing this online Circuit Design and Simulation Marathon using eSim and Skywater 130nm opensource PDKs Close to 2500+ have already signed up with their design ideas. Last date to submit your idea is 15th June. Along with entire FOSSEE team from IIT Bombay, I will also be personally mentoring to realize most of your design ideas. Great platform for all students to learn and work with us for 2 weeks If you are a student, enroll. If you are a Prof., ask your students to enroll. If you are a professional, forward this to your college Alumni and help them to enroll. This is an initiative to break the first entry barrier to Chip Design. Looking forward to work with all passionate students out there