xschem is a linux tool, works on windows with the ...
# sky130
xschem is a linux tool, works on windows with the WSL subsystem and also if compiled with the cygwin layer. There is also a native windows possibility using windows ActiveTCL, but this is still work in progress....
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I managed to get xcircuit to compile natively for Windows with ActiveTCL, but it was a lot of work and I gave up trying to maintain it. It did work, though. I think WSL makes all that not worth the trouble of doing.
Yes that's true, however i have an enthusiast contributor doing this windows port:-) my windows skills are equal to 0. I gave up doing anything on that platform when i read decades ago how memory was managed in the Ms-Dos wonder land ( short pointers, far pointers, memory segments...).
Anyway, in my humble opinion doing serious EDA work on windows machines has little sense without an underlying posix layer
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I've been saying the same thing for years.
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Agree, lnx is for the real eda work.