Hi <!here> glad to see Skywater Google 130nm PDk a...
# sky130
Hi <!here> glad to see Skywater Google 130nm PDk available. I was able to download it. What is next? How do I use it? Using what tools? Cadence? Synopsis? Other?
We are targeting open source tool flows, like OpenROAD, klayout, magic, ngspice, etc. Users of commercial tool flows are largely on their own for now.
Users of Cadence, Syn. etc on their own, right?
For now. Support for them planned? Any rough ETA for that?
Also, the steps to get started are 1)download sky130_ubuntu_setup 2)command: source install-pdk.sh, source install_tools.sh. How does that sound?
I do have access to OpenRoad. Is magic the same as Magical?
@Tim Edwards what do you mean by users of commercial tools are on their own? When will that change?
Also, what are the system requirements? That is, in order to build a product that will support this PDK's import, use/application, the works
Tim Ansell is largely responsible for determining what goes into the repository, and keeping track of what file formats we are allowed to post open-source if those file formats are for commercial tool flows. There should be commercial tool flow support in the future, but I have no input as to when that would happen.
You can ask around what system requirements people have been finding they need. I have been able to deal with most of the designs using a linux machine with 16GB RAM. Most OS restrictions involve what will support the OpenROAD tools.
Hi @here what system requirements are there for install and use of skywater PDK using OpenRoads, Cadence, Synopsys?
For working somewhat intensively I am using 200GB disk space, 8 GB RAM and a recent Ubuntu
8GB is likely to be a choke-point on anything large but would probably suffice for small designs.
and for large? 16GiB RAM, 1000 GB disk space? Will 200 GB space be more than enough?
16GB RAM should be sufficient. I'm not sure of the disk space used by the openlane "exploratory" searches but I would not expect it to exceed, say, 10GB for anything of the size that will fit in the user project area on the caravel chip. You can ask the openlane developers about it; they have a pretty good idea of the resources required.
any names you can throw me that would be most helpful in this area of the openlane developers?
Ahmed Ghazy and Amr Gouhar.
If I remember well @20Mhz was working on the port to synopsys tools.