i had one small doubt,when i checked the standard ...
# sky130
i had one small doubt,when i checked the standard cells the width of nmos for inverter of size 1 and nand of size 1 ,they are same,but for equal rise and fall delay we require width of nmos to be of double the size of nmos of inverter right,so how actually we size the mosfets of sky130hd cells,what criteria we follow
The standard digital cell library consists of logic gates that already have the pmos and nmos size selected. However, there are different size gates, where both the nmos and pmos are scaled up for greater drive strength.
In general, there are optimal PMOS and NMOS size ratios for different logic gate types to ensure equal rise and fall times. The cell libraries are based off that and I assume some minor refinement based on parasitic extraction and such.
Oh, huh. I see what you are saying
The x1 gates are probably the minimal sized gates, so the relative widths are not optimized. Try looking at the x4 gate?
so each gate like nand or nor for size x1 should have same width of inverter of that size right
like if we neglect equal rise and fall for other gates other than inverter
huh, no, it looks like the ratio is the same
thats a inv_1, inv_2, nand1, nand2
Im stumped. Hopefully someone else will have some input. Glancing through some papers, it seems that standard cell libraries may no longer optimize for matching rise and fall times because of automated place and route tools and the other sizes may have advantages or something.
From the paper _Optimal P/N Width Ratio Selection for Standard Cell Libraries_: "It is known that achieving minimum delay through a chain of inverters requires asymmetric rising and falling transition delays"
not finding that paper open access anywhere though
yeah actually thanks a lot for ur input,i got some idea
Thanks for asking the question. I was unaware about this too. I am surprised my VLSI class never brought this up šŸ˜…
This paper is open access and seems to be ~ matching what you have observed https://hal-lirmm.ccsd.cnrs.fr/lirmm-00108933/document
thanks bro
In the picture posted by @Weston Braun in this thread the width of the P transistors are 1.5 times the width of the N transistors as seen by the number of vias in the source and drains (3 for P, 2 for N). The channel length is exactly the same for P and N (150nm drawn, 130nm after all processing steps). Don't let the fact that the length of these transistors happens to be horizontal and the width vertical confuse you
Yes. Assuming the inverter has correctly ratio'ed pmos and nmos width, you would want the width on the nmos for the nand gate to be 2x that of an inverter for equal rise and fall time because there are two nmos in series. That is not the case for the nand gate in the cell library
For proper sizing series transistors you should make the ones closer to ground (for N, or closer to Vdd for P) proportionally larger. Making them the same size as in the picture means that the fall time for input A will not be the same as the fall time for input B, much less match the rise times
This is not something either of us designed. This is from the gds files of the provided sky130 cell library (the spice netlists are also consistent what with is seen in the gds files)
I know - I was just pointing out that the problem is complex and trying to match rise and fall times is just one issue. Here are some nice slides on transistor sizing: http://classweb.ece.umd.edu/enee359a/enee359a-sizing.pdf
The sky130 cell library is very conservative. Even the smallest transistors are larger than the minimum size, for example
Thanks a lot @Jecel AssumpĆ§Ć£o Jr @Weston Braun. If I'm not wrong, the confusion is because the width is represented vertically?
@Ayush Saran the cells can be mirrored or rotated. So it is best to think of the length as always the direction in which the current flows from the source to the drain and the width the direction orthogonal to that
Oh alright. That clarifies a lot. Thank you!