<@U016EM8L91B> i do digital power. A riscv with hi...
# sky130
@User i do digital power. A riscv with high voltage startup cell, gate drivers would be a major game changer. Some analog frontend (Opamp, Bandgap, ADC) also would be required...
Sounds like a great project for the 2nd shuttle run!
I would love to do that. I will think about a system diagram. Maybe we find some others who want to collaborate/contribute and extend that idea. Anyone, feel free to contact me anytime.
@Michael Heidinger I'm interested in contributing. I'm already planning to implement a rail-to-rail 3v3 opamp so I could definitely do that for you if you like. So far I have a bandgap which is currently undergoing layout and I then wanted to implement some components for an RF receiver fronted but the number of projects we're seeing is making me wonder how realistic my chances of getting on the shuttle are so I think collaboration is key as @yrrapt mentioned. I've done a small write-up on what I have so far for my bandgap for reference. If either of you (@yrrapt, @Michael Heidinger, and anyone else are interested in collaborating please let me know.
I am working on designing a current mode buck converter on sky130, I am interested in collaborating on any power stuff
Unless something changes with the required caraval test harness, doing any power stuff with the google funded tapeouts is difficult / impossible, as you only have access to the IO pins through an analog mux.
Well there is a direct connection through the 150 ohm ESD to the pad too I think. That could be used to drive something if only an external gate driver
You can probably track to the direct connection too. @Tim Edwards can probably comment on that
I'm always open to collaboration. It's true there's not much you can do to get power or high frequencies in or off the current caravel but the FOSSi video did state that things were going to change for the next version so I'm hopeful that limitation will go away
We'll do what we can to accommodate what people need. For the first shuttle run, I didn't want to wander too far from what I was familiar with, and I wasn't familiar with much in the SkyWater process.
Also, @Michael Heidinger there is a #power channel, but no one really uses it.
I thought, that the limited number of pins would make it so that most analog/mixed-signal blocks would be difficult to do. I was really interested in putting together a ADC and a PLL but wasn’t quite sure I’d be able to test everything