Is there an explanation anywhere of what the maskA...
# sky130
Is there an explanation anywhere of what the maskAdd/maskDrop layers do? I tried to find it but came up empty (just idle curiosity browsing the GDS)
These are OPC layers. They adjust the layers for improved printing by increasing or decreasing the size of the mask or adding assist features.
Thanks for confirming. Is there a reference anywhere on what exactly the effect on the resulting mask is? Just to satisfy my curiosity
@Ken Pettit They have not released the lithography information, so no.
I've been asking to verify some of the SRAM OPC
(Wrong user name ;) ). Thanks! I'll keep an eye out if that ever gets released
oops. Sorry @Ken Pettit I meant @Keno Fischer
BTW, will there be an OpenRAM update for sky130? I've been playing with your pre-compiled macros, but wanted to play around with some settings
This is the plan. I'm trying to iron out the supply routing with the OpenLane flow right now and then I will probably release the build space. Right now PDN cannot connect to the supply since it has specific requirements.
👍 looking forward to it. Happy to play with it even if it's not 100%, but I know the perils of releasing unfinished software, so I'm happy to be patient :)
Yeah 🙂