Okay, so I know there was conversation earlier abo...
# sky130
Okay, so I know there was conversation earlier about PDK documentation, but I feel that this is unique enough to warrant its own thread. I have recently been looking into finding more complete documentation on various processes and with the sky130 process appearing to be more aimed at more individual users and small groups, I feel like it is a better place to start. When I was reading through the online documentation, it felt like there were pieces of information missing from it, as well as it not seeming to be available in a PDF form. From what others have said, the documentation from a company such a TSMC can surpass 1,000 pages, which further leads me to believe that there is a large amount missing from the documentation. I was wondering if you guys thought that I might be able to get ahold of the more complete documentation from SkyWater or efabless.
There is more documentation than we have been able to post, but not nearly as much as you seem to be expecting. There's a document regarding the use of the I/O pads which is useful and which we need to get up on the website in some form; but, for example, there is no user guide for the digital standard cells.
Got it, I appreciate your response. Also, are there any plans to put the documentation in a PDF form?
Ask Tim Ansell. It should be possible to get PDF out of it.
@Tim 'mithro' Ansell I was wondering if there were any plans to put the documentation in PDF form. I was told that you were the one to ask by Tim Edwards.
@Holonium I had a similar feeling. Antmicro created some patches that included better docs for individual cells that I found very helpful and may contain some of what you are looking for: https://antmicro-skywater-pdk-docs.readthedocs.io/en/86-cell_cross_index/contents/cell-index.html unfortunately, this PR for this has been lingering in GitHub for half a year now :( It's here in case someone wants to give it some love: https://github.com/google/skywater-pdk/pull/266