Hi all, I've worked through the process with a sim...
# sky130
Hi all, I've worked through the process with a simple analog only design. It has gone well. I'm running the precheck and the XOR consistency check has been churning for a few days now. Is this normal? Do I need to run this check?
No, that's not normal. Especially for a simple analog design, the precheck and xor should take only minutes.
Ok thanks, Ill try to dig in and see what is happening. This is the repo https://github.com/malvira/vlsi-sky130-analog-caravel-test1 test1 branch. The "design" is a common source amp and test resistor. I ripped out the example-pors.
You should post a helpdesk ticket to efabless to see if somebody can track down the pre-check process and figure out why it appears to be stuck.
ok thanks!
I just ran into this issue. I found my problem by looking at
The STDOUT hangs, but these logs are populated. My xor failed to run because it couldn't find the proper cellname in my .gds.
great I will check those tonight. I was looking for them but couldn't find them