<@U016EM8L91B> I ran the local precheck for user p...
# sky130
@User I ran the local precheck for user project analog by cloning it locally through
git clone --recursive <https://github.com/efabless/caravel_user_project_analog.git>
export PRECHECK_ROOT=$(pwd)/Precheck
export CARAVEL_ROOT=$(pwd)/caravel
export PDK_ROOT=/home/shahid/open_pdks/share/pdk
make precheck
make run-precheck
However during the xor check it reported 685 violations. The default project should be xor clear right ? I am having similar xor violations in my project too (681). Am I missing some setting in precheck ?
I believe this is the same problem I highlighted in #shuttle-precheck -if you check the XOR.log I suspect it will say somewhere
user_analog_project_wrapper.mag could not be read.
I'm not sure if @User or @User have seen the issue there yet.
you are right!. I did find this in the log file
Yep. I assume you have it in /mag too so idk what's happening
@User, @User: Would this have anything to do with updating the user_analog_project_wrapper to add the metal4 and metal5 layers to the power supply connections on the three cells of the top row that are specifically meant for power connections? But I don't see why that would generate more than a handful of errors, at most. @User, @User: There should be some output of the XOR like a GDS file that contains the XOR differences. That's the key to figuring out why the precheck XOR is failing.
@User Thank you for responding. Yes this GDS is generated by the XOR check on the example project. But I am not sure how to interpret it for issues. What should i look for ?
@User: The GDS file above is marking the part of every single pin in the empty user project wrapper that is the extension of the pin outside of the project area. The problem must be either (1) your project has erased everything outside of the boundary, or (2) something is wrong with the precheck XOR. Can you confirm what your project wrapper GDS looks like in, say, the bottom left-hand corner, showing a few of the pins (a screenshot is sufficient)?
This is not the check on my project. This XOR check is on the example POR project in the git hub repo at
.The screen shots of the bottom left pins in the gds are attached.(Klayout and magic)
@User, @User: There is an error in the precheck XOR on the user analog project wrapper. It is flagging everything that is outside of the area boundary marked by the "comment" layer. The layers being flagged by XOR are definitely there, as shown by the screenshot(s) above. This is happening for the example user analog project. We should be running the example user project and example user analog project every single time a change is made to the precheck scripts, as a sanity check. Our two examples should never throw an error on precheck.
I have also run this precheck for some of the projects on the efabless site under the MPW 3 tag whose precheck was marked clear. And unsurprisingly, it threw similar number of violations on them too.
Yes, this is clearly an error in the precheck script that runs the XOR.