<@U016HSA1H5Y> PR is ready: <https://github.com/Th...
# sky130
@User PR is ready: https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenLane/pull/846 just don't think it'd be wise to enable it by default at this stage. It's just too... much
The end goal that I see is that efabless should provide blessed openlane+sky130 images to shield users from having to deal with keeping the PDK and toolchain in sync. I think this will significantly cut down the support burden for you guys and save a ton of everybody's time. Allowing the users themselves to reproduce the image is good too, if they e.g. need to try specific versions of some tool but I don't think it needs to be done immediately as long as there is a pre-built image that can be used
So what I would like to see first of all is that you tag and push the image you built and then we tell everyone to use that
And you're right that this vastly increases the image size, but today every user needs to download the skywater-pdk and build the timing models themselves, so the difference in download size isn't all that much but the time savings are significant
Morning- my concern is more about the CI. I'm not sure if it can keep handling outrageously long build times whenever we update the PDK.
Ah ok
Would it be different if the time spent in make timing was negligible?
yeah, but i'd also want to introduce compressing the final lib files in some form. supposedly, OpenROAD does support reading .lib.gz files, so if yosys does as well, maybe it would be beneficial to compress the final liberty files
@User I will however take your advice and get rid of conda simply to make a statement :)
Go! Go! Go!
Oh, interesting that openread can read compressed lib files. Didn't know this was a thing already
Oh, apparently so does yosys! This is great, now I know what feature open_pdks 100% needs
This is fantastic news!
Trying to nerdsnipe others to improve the liberty python script as well 🙂 https://twitter.com/OlofKindgren/status/1478679955429072897
I made the profiling pretty in case it helps anyone
Oh, sweet!
What did you use for that?
gprof2dot! it takes a cProfile output and creates a graphviz .dot file, which can then be rendered by any graphviz viewer
Had to use it in the past for Symbiflow as well lol
lets see how this goes though
Where is this? In the liberty.py script?