how to include the analog modules defined in t...
# sky130
how to include the analog modules defined in the pdk as user module in the user project area? Please give suggestions
I have already read that. Does it specify the inclusion of analog ip cores into user design?
What is analog modules defined in pdk?
Follow up question: Is your top level analog or digital?
top module is analog
So, you just need to make the top level schematic/netlist which contains the components. Use Xschem to make schematic and then generate netlist. If its unreasonable to have a schematic, make netlist manually Do simulations from bottom to the top for all of the components if possible. Then you will use KLayout/Magic VLSI to place all the components and connections. After that you do DRC, LVS. Then you may even do parasitic extraction and simulation with parasitics. After that you pass precheck for efabless.
thanks for the explanation. But could you tell how would I integrate the layout of my analog module to caravel? Is it simply merging the layout of caravel and layout of analog module? Also how is the layout converted to gds format?
You have a cell. You can create as many instances as you want. Thats all it takes. Obviously you wtill need to connect subcomponents.
Layout is either GDS already or a MAG (Magic VLSI) Layout file. For mag you can just do gds write if you want to
could you clarify on the part where I have to integrate my layout to caravel? Is it simply the merging of layout of carvel and layout of the analog module?
idk what merging is. You dont "merge" them. You place a component. The component can be copied across GDSes.