Hi all, Are there any TCAD models to simulate the ...
# sky130
Hi all, Are there any TCAD models to simulate the Sky130 process?
@User Is it technically possible to produce a process model by reverse engineering the Machine Rule Deck? If it is, then is it legal?
You can't produce a process model just from the machine rule deck. These are just rules that, when violated, cause physical issues such as metal delamination, photoresist sloughing off, etc. That is, if you violate these rules, they can cause problems for the foundry because bits of metal or photoresist come off and can spread around on the wafer and mess up other parts of the layout, such as e-test, which could then cause massive problems with the manufacturing. The non-machine rules are rules which, if you violate them, may cause your chip to come back non-functional but otherwise, the foundry doesn't care.
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@User How about by trial and error to reproduce characteristics of different SPICE models in the sky130a through the virtual fabrication process? I know it is not practically possible, just curious to know whether theoretically possible or not.
I am really not enough of a process engineer to answer that question.
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Thanks a lot for your time, @User πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»
@User In theory it should be possible but I catalogue it similar to how in theory a monkey could produce a Shakespeare essay.
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