Hey, I juts ran the precheck tool locally with the...
# sky130
Hey, I juts ran the precheck tool locally with the mpw6c tag checked out. Something seems wrong. For the magic drc check I get:
Copy code
[ERROR] - Violation Message "MiM2 cap bottom plate spacing < 1.2um (cap2m.2b) "found 112 Times.
[ERROR] - Violation Message "MiM cap bottom plate spacing < 1.2um (capm.2b) "found 176 Times.
[ERROR] - 288 DRC violations
[WARNING] - {{MAGIC DRC CHECK FAILED}} The GDS file, user_analog_project_wrapper.gds, has DRC violations.
Yet at the end of the precheck run i get:
Copy code
[INFO] - {{SUCCESS}} All Checks Passed !!!
What should I make of this? I don't assume that is really the checks. Any thoughts? Also the when i open the marker database in klayout the highlighted locations make no sense.
Have you run the complete DRC check of your project in Magic?
Not on the complete project, but I picked one of the blocks that I suspect will cause the issue and was able to reproduce it on that particular block. It looks like that magic will consider metal connected to bottom or top plate, part of the plate itself. I will need to investigate a bit closer, why exactly this happens.
Remember to route the bottom plate to the above metal layer before routing to the lower layers.