<@U017H530WC9>: Here's what I did to get .prm fil...
# analog-design
@User: Here's what I did to get .prm files for IRSIM from the sky130 PDK. This is only a partial set of .prm files. I did not do fast and slow corners, and I only did the HD standard cell libraries (a severe limitation of the .sim format is that it only has one "n" and one "p" device, so you have to choose which nFET and which pFET is being represented, and it can only be one of each. I should expand the .sim format to work around that problem).
@Tim Edwards awesome! That is great. I like the c program that extracts the resistance.
Were the spice circuits generated by hand, or were they extracted using magic?
@jrsharp: Generated by hand, although I suppose you could also substitute some standard cell inverters. I didn't pay much attention to the circuit, since it was something already provided in the IRSIM sources.
It would be cool to automate it, based on extracting from std cells. I'll have a play around