i am not really able to use sky130 resistors and c...
# analog-design
i am not really able to use sky130 resistors and capacitors. is the above process includes the sky130 resistor and capacitor models?
Which resistor model do you want to use? Perhaps you could post your spice netlist on this thread and we can have a look.
.include "sky130_fd_pr/models/r+c/res_typical__cap_typical__lin.spice" .include "sky130_fd_pr/models/r+c/res_typical__cap_typical.spice" .include "sky130_fd_pr/models/corners/tt.spice"
C1 Vin_vco 0 200p C2 N001 0 500p R1 Vin_vco N001 500
can i write like this
Those statements would create ideal resistors and wont have any of the process specific modeling. Diffusion and poly resistors are instantiated as sub-circuits like here: https://github.com/xorbit/sky130-power-blocks/blob/master/primitive-test/resistor-tc.spice The other resistors like those on metal layers are, as far as I can tell, directly used as R models. Like so: "Rname node1 node2 sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_m5 w = desired_width l = desired_length". This will neglect any capacitance.
For resistor it is fine and what about capacitance and also when I want to give a specific value how can I give it to the capacitor.
You kinda don't, you specify their width and height.
Height and width is ok but what about the value ?
The value follows from those, you cannot set it directly.