Has anyone integrated an analogue design into Cara...
# analog-design
Has anyone integrated an analogue design into Caravel yet? There are still some open questions I have. I have started listing the things I believe to be true and things I see as blockers here: https://github.com/yrrapt/amsat_txrx_ic-caravel/blob/master/analogue_integration.md I will happily accept pull requests or just manually change things myself if anyone has any corrections/improvements
@yrrapt, @Fredy Solis and I are trying to integrate an analog opamp to caravel. We place our layout desing into the user_project_wrapper_empty.mag (we are using magic), and then we try to generate the gds file but magic crashes. It is not a problem of our layout, bacause we can generte it own gds. It is a problem with the .mag files in the develop branch of caravel. Did you succesfully generate a gds?
@Diego Hernando interesting, I'm using KLayout for layout and only magic for DRC + LVS so can't say I've seen the issue.
Have you got the most recent version of magic?
yes i have, but i can switch to KLayout. And try to modify the conecctions as i need. Thanks!
No problem, good luck