i am getting this error in xscheme_sky130 director...
# analog-design
i am getting this error in xscheme_sky130 directory when i was running xschem,can anyone resolve this error
yeah it is resolved now i set USR_conf_dir to proper location
but why is it not there by default
Can you post the output of 'xschem --version' and your xschemrc file in .xschem/xschem_sky130/ ?
it is showing v2 8.1
it's too old, this is the ubuntu pre-packaged version, please uninstall the xschem package and install xschem from source files, get it here: • Follow build instructions here: , the steps are also explained in this video

or on youtube

if you have problems whatching the first video.
ok sir thanks
you are welcome!. If you have issues let me know
unfortunately linux distributions (ubuntu, debian, fedora) take months to get a software packaged so having updated version is a problem in a rapidly evolving environment like skywater...
sir here after did sudo make install,i am not able to open xschem
try /usr/local/bin/xschem
yeah when i restarted system it is opening
but now i am not getiing window to edit netlist after clicking simulation,i did as you told in video
if you select 'Edit netlist' and nothing happens it means that the editor xschem want to use is not installed on the system. default is gvim. Open your ~/.xschem/xschemrc and find /uncomment this line: set editor .... you need to set an editor that is available on the system. Default if not defined is: set editor {gvim -f} if you have xedit do this: set editor {xedit}
also i am not able to see simulation wihin xschem
i installed gvim ,now i could edit netlist,but i am not able to see simulation
@Varun Majji can you please give some more details? you press the 'Simulation' button and nothing happens? do you have ngspice installed? if you do 'ngspice -h' in a terminal do you get some answer from ngspice? try also 'ngspice -v' and tell me the ngspice version you have on the system 🙂
ok sir i will do it and update u
sir it is showing ngspice-34 ,is that what u mean by version
but even now that simulation button is not working
my bad ,i forgot to download xterm,thats why simulation terminal was not opening,luckily thanks u placed a error log option where i found it sir that i xterm is not downloaded