Is there a good tutorial for setting up magic with...
# analog-design
Is there a good tutorial for setting up magic with an analog flow? I have magic and the pdk install and can launch magic but I am having problems getting the pdk working in magic.
I intend to work on a more integrated system to create and manage projects with various open source tools for analog design, but the 2nd MPW is preempting that right now. I think the main thing you need to know is that when you start a layout project, the best thing to do is to copy
from the PDK directory (default
) to your local directory and rename it
(or make a symbolic link to it with that name). Then when you start magic, it automatically loads the correct technology and the device generator procedures. The other way is to specify the startup script from the command line; e.g.,
magic -d OGL -rcfile /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/
but that's kind of cumbersome to do every time (although you can make a bash alias for it).
Thanks Tim. I was trying the command line method and I would get just Segmentation Fault printed to the terminal. I just tried copying the magicrc file as suggested and I get the same Segmentation Fault. Any ideas how to debug this issue?
What version of magic?
Also what OS? You can debug by running
not on magic (which is a shell script) but on
. Use
run -- -rcfile /usr/share/pdk/sky130A/
from the gdb command prompt and run
after it crashes.
Ubuntu 20.04 through windows subsystem for linux (WSL) and magic version is 8.2.157
I don't have a folder /usr/local/lib/magic
found it. it was located at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/magic/tcl/magicexec
This is the response I get