Hello, I am testing LVS over the user_analog_proje...
# analog-design
Hello, I am testing LVS over the user_analog_project_wrapper in a minimal design with just 1 opamp (I have excluded other cells in order to isolate the error). Initially netgen says (for both nfet and pfet):
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Warning: Equate pins:  cell sky130_fd_pr__nfet_01v8 has no definition, treated as a black box.
and at the end of the comparison file it states:
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Device classes user_analog_project_wrapper.spice and user_analog_project_wrapper_layout.spice are equivalent.
Verify:  cell user_analog_project_wrapper_layout.spice has no elements and/or nodes.  Not checked.
Does someone experienced this behaviour? I understand that netgen is not reading the transistors in the extracted file, then no comparison is made.
Are you using the sky130 netgen configuration script when you run netgen?
Also, I don't think your vdd or iref pins are correctly connected to the user_analog_project_wrapper pins
yes, I am using the script provided by open_pdks
that's correct, the iref pin have been left unconnected in this version in both sch and layout, but the vdd should be ok, I'll check that, thank you
I have solved this issue, have been extracting the top level layout using
Copy code
extract all
ext2spice lvs
ext2spice -o cell_ext.spice
this created a subcircuit instance of the top layout. The netlist matches uniquely after commenting out the lines containing the ports and the subcirtuit declaration (i.e., including only the instances of our cells)
Good to hear you solved it
Thank you, @yrrapt ! 🙌 Now dealing with the GDS file