I also added a couple of inductors into MPW-B. The...
# analog-design
I also added a couple of inductors into MPW-B. The best I could do for modelling was to use ASITIC. I wish there was a good open source method of moments simulator. I would love to have a crack at that myself but have no time currently
FastHenry is a pretty good 3D field equation solver for layout. There is also Space from TU Delft, which became open source last year.
When I tried FastHenry it did seem good at what it did but the trouble is it only calculates inductance (as far as I know) which is troublesome when you want to know where the self-resonant frequency is. In my experience you tend to want to operate as close as you can to SRF for best performance. I haven't tried space, I will definitely give that a shot
@Tim Edwards I don't suppose you've got a link to that software? The search terms seem to be too general. Also doesn't help that Delft is quite active in space mission design
@yrrapt could it be this one? http://www.space.tudelft.nl/
That looks really capable. Thanks for the link. Will have a dive into the examples
Hmmm, seems you need to apply for a license to get it working and it also feels like the license provisioning has been abandoned. I can't seem to find any mention of being open source but I may email some of the authors
@yrrapt @Tim Edwards Just wondering how the structure fro ASITIC or Space or Fasthenry was copied into as a design. Is it integrated in Magic as @yrrapt mentioned or one has to draw with hand once the structure is generated ? I am also looking for a method to synthesize custom inductors
@yrrapt : I think the open source version was posted on github. I know someone who was using it and made a fair amount of progress setting it up with the Skywater process.
@ArunAshok: Generally it works the other direction; you create the layout in a layout editor and extract the geometry and plug it into a 3D solver. I put some hooks between magic and FastHenry with the "extresist fasthenry" command option.
@Tim Edwards you're right, I just managed to find it: https://github.com/space-tudelft/cacd Will compile it and try it out
🎉 1
@ArunAshok ASITIC has a CIF output but the angles were kind of odd (not 45) so I imported the CIF to klayout and used it as a template to essentially trace over but I could ensure the design rules were followed. A bit manual but still pretty quick
@Tim Edwards Yes, I have also followed the same flow. Previously, we had a Helic tool to generate the inductor of need (L and Q and metal layer) and extract the S parameter using EMX. Although pdk had inductor pcell, I have found this far from optimum so the above flow was perfect. But yes all were commerial tools. if there was a way using open source tool to create the Inductor which could somehow be ported to the pdk one part of this step is addressed.
@yrrapt I will try it out. A little bit of manual intervention is no problem. Thanks!