Hi all, I am trying to run a simulation using fine...
# analog-design
Hi all, I am trying to run a simulation using finesim with device sky130_fd_pr__res_generic_po but there seems to be no spice model available in the pdk, not sure what I did wrong or it is named differently in the spice model? Thanks for helping.
Are you installing the PDK using open_pdks? The device is commented out in the skywater-pdk repository.
yes I am using the open_pdk. commented out meaning I need to shift to other devices?
"Commented out" means that the open_pdks Makefile scripts go fix that problem by uncommenting it. Make sure you are calling the device as "R" and not "X" in the netlist.
@Tim Edwards sorry to bother again, I didn't fully understand your answer, so inside the open_pdk now the sky130_fd_pr_res_generic_po device spice model should be available since the makefile has already fixed it? I was looking for the spice model in pdk_root/pdks/sky130A/libs.ref/sky130_fd_pr/spice but there is no such device, and I checked my netlist the resistors are using "R" not "X". can you point me to the spice model that I should be in? thanks.
You should be including the top level using
.lib sky130.lib.spice tt
to include all of the correct model libraries. That works with ngspice; I can't provide finesim support.
Thanks for helping!