Hello All, I'm trying to do transient parametric s...
# analog-design
Hello All, I'm trying to do transient parametric sweeps (e.g. VCO frequencies for different input voltqges) in ngspice, but it has been hard to find good examples. Did anyone here do such type of simulations, who can send me a nice examples and good references (apart from ngspice manual, of course)? thx in adavce :)
Some repositories by @User and his students show a good example of how it is done.
great, I'll take a look, thanks @User!
πŸ‘ 1
@User @User I searched around but didn't find any parametric transient simulations, can you guide me towards an example which can help me, if any?
Oh I think it was parametric DC analysis, Sorry I must have missed that
But what exactly do you want to sweep, I think it should be same for transient as well
I want to sweep in steps the input voltage of the VCO, and capture for each input value the waveform, and then measure the frequency to obtain the VCO gain, linearty, etc. From what I read, I think it's different for transient, you don't have the option of declaring sweep parameters on the statement... that's why I was asking if there were some examples around, but it seems it's rare to do parameter sweeps for transient simulations
thanks for the references, it's more clear now πŸ™‚