<@U01QTMG2K8R> another last approach is to do what...
# analog-design
@User another last approach is to do what is done for standard cells. for skywater-pdk xschem has the full list of standard cell symbols. There are only symbol files (
) for these standard cells (example:
) there are no corresponding schematic files (
. Xschem when producing a netlist will just emit the subcircuit call (example:
x8 Y VSS VSS VCC VCC net3 sky130_fd_sc_hd__inv_2
) , you must place a
line to load the corresponding netlist. In this case you must carefully ensure the port order produced by xschem matches the port order of the symbol netlist. In above examples the port order for the
call and for the
definition are both generated by xschem so they match 'by design'.
Thanks! I'll try that!