<@U0172QZ342D> <@U017A5GEUMC> there are some inter...
# analog-design
@User @User there are some interesting videos about analog design with xschem / magic / ngspice on youtube by user 'bminch': https://www.youtube.com/user/bminch/videos although these are probably more useful for students.
Thanks @User, I’ll check those out before getting started too. You reckon the xschem/ngspice/magic (+Klayout) tools are still the best option to get started with?
@User For analog design i think schematic (xschem), simulation(ngspice/xyce), layout (magic/klayout) and LVS/DRC checks (netgen) + the open_pdks integration for the skywater-pdk 130nm process are the right tools.
I’ll try get a minimum viable setup with those tools and document my process so! Thanks!
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Bminch is @User who is on this slack workspace
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