Hi Everyone, I'm trying to set up a replicable dev...
# analog-design
Hi Everyone, I'm trying to set up a replicable development environment using docker and foss-asic-tools from efabless, has anyone had problems using this tool?
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The foss-asic-tools repository is Mohamed Kassem's idea, so probably best to ask him about it if you have questions.
Thanks so much Tim :), I just found the #containers channel so I'll check that out and then ask.
hi @User Good day! - could you elaborate what you are trying to do?
if you would like to use it out of the box i would pull the container and use it
let me know how i can help ๐Ÿ™‚
Hi @User, I am trying to define a replicable analog development environment for a group of students and have found efabless/foss-asic-tools and a fork called hpretl/iic-osic-tools.
Is there any difference in terms of package updating, maintainance, things like that? Is there another analog design alternative?
Thank you very much for your willingness to help ๐Ÿ™‚
Now have found Revolution EDA. Is it suitable for analog development?
you can use either - although I have to say Rev EDA is really nice from the way it looks - I havent tried it myself though
@User our Docker works quite nice by now, it has all the features of the efablessโ€™ original, plus a few useful extensions. See also this announcement https://skywater-pdk.slack.com/archives/C0221Q4PYJ0/p1652178201049599
@User I just tried your one command setup ๐Ÿ™‚ and it is to say the least awesome! thank you
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@User Thanks, @User did a great job on the scripts!
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The scripts are simple but effective, just what I wanted for my development team. The container is already running on our server :) Thanks for doing the dirty work, @User @User @User
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Hello, I want to start with the analog design flow using sky130.. I see that there are many libraries in the pdk.. What all libraries among them will be useful to excercise the sky130 flow?
For an analog flow, the main library of concern is the one with all the devices and models in it, which is
(pr = "primitives").
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