I'm trying to plug in my custom inverter cell (inv...
# openlane
I'm trying to plug in my custom inverter cell (inv_1) into picorv32a design and run the openlane flow..the runs are OK but placement of my cell isn't legalized (attached is a section of the post-routing layout & the inverter cell highlighted is my cell)..can anybody help?
Looks like that your cell boundaries include the rails, is that correct? Does your cell height (as reported in the LEF file) match the site height?
That's something I am not able to figure out @Ahmed Ghazy.. I checked out the original inverter's .mag file..the total WIDTH x HEIGHT of the top cell (outer boundary) is 1.76 x 3.20 while the inner boundary is 1.38 x 2.72 (as shown in the attached pic)...when i do a lef write the SIZE (for original inverter) is 1.38 x 2.72......while for my custom inverter of same dimension (1.76 x 3.20) generates a SIZE of 1.76 x 3.20 while doing lef write....Im attaching both the layout and extracted lef for the standard as well as the custom inverter
You can control the "inner" boundary with
property FIXED_BBOX x_ll y_ll x_ur y_ur
. Or more conveniently, adjust the box tool in magic on the inner boundary you'd like to set and use
property FIXED_BBOX [box values]
You want to adjust the width as well btw; both dimensions must be integer multiples of the HD site in the LEF file.
That would be really helpful..I will try and let you know👍
@Ahmed Ghazy..i did run the flow post bounding box inclusion..the lef file now were extracted correctly & I could see improvements but there are still some overlaps..hope its visible in snap attached..
Could you share the LEF file?
sharing with you merged.lef
The issue that the rails you've drawn aren't of the same width as the other std cells nor are the upper/top boundaries perfectly centered at the rails they overlap with. For example, you want your rails to look like the following:
Instead they look like that:
Thanks for the analysis @Ahmed Ghazy..will work on it
Hi @Ahmed Ghazy..the final one has pretty great improvements..thanks !
🙌 1