```Number of pins violated: 6 Number of nets viola...
# openlane
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Number of pins violated: 6
Number of nets violated: 6
during the OR antenna check.
@tnt: I don't think that with current state of the opensource tools
that it's possible to reach 0 antenna violations without manual changes above a certian limit on the design size (number of cells).
Ok. I mean, I already need manual tweak for DRC. Those are easy enough. But ATM I need to understand the report to know where those violation are and "see" them so I can fix them.
So, actully 6 violations is pretty good (although there might be others undetected and would require a commercial tool to do so).
And ATM ... I don't know how to find them.
@mehdi is the one who developed OpenROAD's ARC. So, he should be the right person to ask.
@tnt the issue you encountered is being fixed. For the locations of the violations, there us an api for that in my code. I will see how I can report/dump it out
@mehdi Which issue ?
(I've had so many :D)
@tnt it is related to antenna as well: diodes placed next to macros with no grid?
Ah yes. I switched to antenna insertion mode 1 to avoid that.
I can see how I can add the sinks location in the report.
👍 1
@tnt Can you please help answer these questions: • Why are you reading a DEF file from the floorplan stage? (according fastroute log, your script reads tmp/floorplan/pdn.def) • What library file should I use to run repair_antennas? I see a couple of them in the tmp/ dir, but I don’t know which one is the correct one • Could you send me the original LEF files? I can’t load the design with Innovus using the merged lef • Could you also sent me the script that you’ve used to run FastRoute? I can infer some parameters fro the logs, but I want to make sure I’m running the exact same thing as you
Huh ... so this is all from a default run of OpenLane "normal flow".
Can you send your LEF files you are using (original ones) -- last question should be simple to answer as well. I actually never fully used the openlane flow. @Amr Gouhar Do you mind help answering these questions?
I'm looking now to see where the LEF are ...
I'm not sure they are anywhere tbh ... I only see them in consolidated form 😕
Ok, let's see what Amr says. What library are you using? I can probably get the LEF files from the repo
@Ahmed Ghazy Can you help ^
But the think is AFAIK the LEF used are regenerated by
and are not the original ones.
I see.. The issue is that the merged lef can't be loaded in innovus.. So there is probably some issue
So about the first question. It might be named
but looking at the
thisis run after placement ... I think PDN used to be run earlier in previous version.
I need a way to reproduce/isolate the issue
yeah, I'm trying to dive again in this ... (I've hit and worked around so many things I'm starting to loose track)
Ok, so the pdn.def is definitely post-detailled placement. ( https://github.com/efabless/openlane/blob/develop/flow.tcl#L36 )
I'm extracting a minimal script to reproduce the issue.
@mehdi Ok, so if you look into http://people.osmocom.org/~tnt/stuff/sky130/
openroad -exit rep.tcl
will reproduce the issue.
(you'll need to edit the paths inside it, but all files requires are either in the tar.gz and I also included sky130_fd_sc_hd__tt_025C_1v80.lib in that URL above).
running that gives
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Warning: Placed in rows check failed (18).
Warning: Overlap check failed (64).
Warning: Site check failed (18).
@tnt Okay, thanks!
@mehdi: • The reason why a DEF file from the floorplan stage is used is that previously pdngen had a couple of issues with regard to cutting rows and so we had the pdn stage moved to after placement and cts. However, pdn is still considered a floorplan step (which might be confusing). • For repair_antennas we use the typical corner of the library. i.e.
as is from the skywater-pdk. • We're using the .magic.lef files from the skywater source. we run them through open_pdks to get a single nice LEF file. Then in the flow we merge the techfile into this and create the
. • The script depends on what version of openlane is @tnt using? it could be found in
But, I guess @tnt already packaged a test case. So, I'm a bit late for the party 😅.
👍 1