Where should I report reproducible segfaults in th...
# openlane
Where should I report reproducible segfaults in the OpenRoad parts of OpenLane?
@Philipp Gühring: You probably have to isolate the testcase to: 1. RePlace inputs. 2. RePlace script. 3. Output error. Otherwise, you can open it on the openlane side, and we'll do this isolation and report it in the OpenROAD repository.
Could we do that together? Could we automate that isolation?
"make isolate_replace"
Or have openlane create bugreports itself upon crashes?
@Philipp Gühring: Open an issue on openlane and we'll handle it from there.
Could it be that I stumbled accross this bug again? https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/RePlAce/issues/70
Yes, it seems that the old "replace" version (1 year old!) is the problem. Even the openlane develop branch still has an old version. Could you replace that version with a newer replace version please?
@Philipp Gühring: I sadly wasn't able to figure out what's the issue so far. But, someone gave a comprehensive reply that might help here: https://github.com/efabless/openlane/issues/101#issuecomment-732726986 Also, we're not using this replace version. We use the one inside the openroad_app which is almost up-to-date. However, we keep this 1-year-old version on the side because it proved useful in some interactive scripts.
I am currently working on the sizes, they were missing in our LEF files.
@Amr Gouhar I added the sizes to the LEF files now and scaled them correctly, and now the crash is gone and I get another error instead: http://pdk.libresilicon.com/caravel-build5.html
I pushed the changed files to my repository
@Philipp Gühring: Which version of OpenLANE are you using? Because there is a different solution for this in develop compared to master.
I have switched to develop
@Philipp Gühring: Great, can you try adding this:
Copy code
to your configuration file, hopefully it should help.
I just tried to add that in my configuration, but it didnt changed anything, I still got the [ERROR] RePlAce diverged at initial iteration. Please tune the parameters again (REPL-5) error.
Now I updated openlane with git pull and got a new error much earlier:
1. Executing Liberty frontend. Imported 428 cell types from liberty file. 2. Executing Liberty frontend. ERROR: Syntax error in liberty file on line 29. Unexpected newline. [ERROR]: during executing: "yosys -c /openLANE_flow/scripts/synth.tcl -l /project/openlane/user_proj_example/runs/user_proj_example/logs/synthesis/yosys.log |& tee >&@stdout" [ERROR]: Exit code: 1
how did the liberty get changed..
Okay, let me try this
I have no idea, do you want to take a look remotely?
However, for the replace diverged error the solution is usually manipulating these parameters:
Copy code
set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) 0.55
I'll try to run your project locally and tell you what I find. Maybe something went wrong with the build due to an internet issue or something.
Which liberty file does the error message refer to? Is there an easy way to see which files are actually used by each step?
@Philipp Gühring: usually it is, I'm not sure why yosys is not saying which liberty it's reading like it does with the verilog files..
Wait a moment, perhaps I installed both openlane r4 and develop and I am using r4 instead of develop
Ok, I found the problem in my liberty file.
This seems to be a regression in yosys to me: It complains about code like this:
index_1 ( "1000.0, 1001.0, 1002.0, 1003.0, 1004.0" );
And when you format it on a single line it works:
index_1 ( "1000.0, 1001.0, 1002.0, 1003.0, 1004.0");
Yosys 0.9+2406 (git sha1 f313211c, clang 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 -fPIC -Os),
@Philipp Gühring: this is a strange bug. However, it seems to start showing up after this commit: https://github.com/efabless/openlane/commit/6b6a3a20ae0b2e08b92c0cca38d4aa376748ce2a
Hmm, perhaps the nested for() are clashing with the $_ variable? I usually define different iterator variables for nested for loops