I’m opening generated example GDS (i.e. aes_core) ...
# openlane
I’m opening generated example GDS (i.e. aes_core) but not able to see the polyscilicon (66:20) layer in klayout is there a reason it may not be included or that I am missing it? Not able to see the polyscilicon layer in any of the generated designs
There is no reason you shouldn't be seeing it. It looks fine on my end; could you share a small GDS (spm?) that you are seeing this issue with?
I ran aes_core through OpenLane and this was the GDS file that resulted. @Ahmed Ghazy
Which version of open_pdks have you used?
Version 1.0.40
@Ahmed Ghazy
I can see that your GDS doesn't have any standard cells at all, which is a sign that something went wrong with the PDK installation.
I’m in the open_pdk directory and running “make” again so hopefully that resolves the issue
@Ahmed Ghazy
Only error I’m able to see is “The installer is not able to run magic”. make test runs fine though