Hello, I am trying to to do tcl scripting to run v...
# openlane
Hello, I am trying to to do tcl scripting to run vsdflow automatically. For that I have created a shell script that will do all the necessary steps like making folder in design directory, creating SRC folder, then copy .v file in SRC folder. Afterward using ./name.sh file in openlane directory I am trying to perform the synthesis but encountered these error, can anyone plz guide what error are these?
@Sonal Shreya: are you running the docker?
Hi, thank you for the reply, yes I am using docker. Now able to invoke Openlane through docker command scripted in shell file and calling that in tcl script (using- exec sh name.sh). Before that using mkdir, created a folder SRC wherein I have kept the .v file and generated sdc file. But, May be due to config file path error the synthesis is not getting performed. Can you kindly help with it??