Hi there, I'm new at here. I'm following openlane ...
# openlane
Hi there, I'm new at here. I'm following openlane documentations, and yeah, I have a problem so I have joined ๐Ÿ˜… I have a verilog file with no clock on it, only inputs and do something registers inside and outputs. When I try to to synthesize it, it is getting stucked at
5.22.2 Executing OPT_MERGE pass
phase. Here is my config.json:
Copy code
  "VERILOG_FILES": "./designs/my_module/src/MY_MODULE.v",
  "CLOCK_PORT": "",
  "CLOCK_NET": "",
There is no clock, the registers are getting updated by
always @(*)
block. Thanks!
post your design
as I said before, this isn't openlane issue, this is a synthesis issue with yosys
It is a simple ALU. Here is the Verilog file:
Copy code
module ALU(
    input [63:0] X,
    input [63:0] Y,
    input [3:0] OP,

    output [63:0] OUTPUT,
    output isEqual
    reg [127:0] RESULT;

    wire signed [63:0] X_signed = X;
    wire signed [63:0] Y_signed = Y;

    assign isEqual = X == Y;

    always @(*) begin
        case (OP)
            0:  RESULT <= X + Y; // add
            1:  RESULT <= X - Y; // sub
            2:  RESULT <= X & Y; // and
            3:  RESULT <= X | Y; // or
            4:  RESULT <= X ^ Y; // xor
            5:  RESULT <= X << Y; // shift left logical
            6:  RESULT <= X >> Y; // shift right logical
            7:  RESULT <= X_signed >>> Y; // shift right arithmetic
            8:  RESULT <= X * Y; // mul
            9:  RESULT <= X * Y; // mulh
            10: RESULT <= X / Y; // div
            11: RESULT <= X % Y; // rem
            12: RESULT <= (X_signed < Y_signed ? 1 : 0); // set less than (slt)
            13: RESULT <= (X < Y ? 1 : 0); // set less than (sltu)

    assign OUTPUT = OP == 9 ? RESULT[127:64] : RESULT[63:0];

when you say "get stuck" - did the process die? or did you get bored waiting?
I'm just trying your design with yosys (read_verilog alu.v; synth)
and it's been running for 10 minutes with no result so far
if I remove the * / and % operators I get a result in a few seconds
so I think yosys is spending a lot of time building you a single cycle 64 bit divide
oh I see...
Yeah it was just waiting too long.
Thanks for effort it really helped ๐Ÿ™‚
๐Ÿ™Œ 1
then I would put a `define in to cut out the * / operators and then you can get much faster results out of yosys and move on to the more ASIC side of things
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