Hi, I am presently hardening the design top. I am ...
# openlane
Hi, I am presently hardening the design top. I am getting routing issues.
Copy code
Reading DEF file: /project/openlane/darksocv/runs/darksocv/tmp/routing/17-addspacers.obs.def
Notice 0: Design: darksocv
Notice 0: 		Created 100000 Insts
Notice 0: 		Created 200000 Insts
Notice 0: 		Created 300000 Insts
Notice 0: 		Created 400000 Insts
Notice 0: 		Created 500000 Insts
Notice 0: 		Created 600000 Insts
Notice 0: 		Created 700000 Insts
Notice 0: 		Created 800000 Insts
Notice 0: 		Created 100000 Nets
Notice 0: 		Created 200000 Nets
Notice 0:     Created 98 pins.
Notice 0:     Created 851766 components and 4476919 component-terminals.
Notice 0:     Created 8 special nets and 0 connections.
Notice 0:     Created 260983 nets and 1069846 connections.
Notice 0: Finished DEF file: /project/openlane/darksocv/runs/darksocv/tmp/routing/17-addspacers.obs.def
Min routing layer: 2
Max routing layer: 5
Global adjustment: 0.3
Unidirectional routing: true
Grid origin: (0, 0)
[INFO GRT-0004] #DB Obstructions: 1
[INFO GRT-0005] #DB Obstacles: 31522005
[INFO GRT-0006] #DB Macros: 2
[INFO GRT-0017] Found 0 clock nets
[INFO GRT-0001] Minimum degree: 2
[INFO GRT-0002] Maximum degree: 16389
[INFO GRT-0018] Processing 15554833 obstacles on layer 1
[INFO GRT-0019] Processing 3585620 obstacles on layer 2
[INFO GRT-0020] Processing 299 obstacles on layer 3
[INFO GRT-0021] Processing 304 obstacles on layer 4
[INFO GRT-0022] Processing 269 obstacles on layer 5
[INFO GRT-0019] Reducing resources of layer 1 by 99%
[INFO GRT-0020] Reducing resources of layer 2 by 30%
[INFO GRT-0021] Reducing resources of layer 3 by 30%
[INFO GRT-0022] Reducing resources of layer 4 by 30%
[INFO GRT-0023] Reducing resources of layer 5 by 30%
[ERROR]: during executing: "openroad -exit /openLANE_flow/scripts/openroad/or_groute.tcl |& tee >&@stdout /project/openlane/darksocv/runs/darksocv/logs/routing/18-fastroute.log"
[ERROR]: Exit code: 1
[ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
child killed: kill signal                                                                                                                                                                                     < DRC - LVS - Antenna reports not found >                                                                                                                                 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 [ERROR]: Flow Failed.
    while executing
"try_catch openroad -exit $::env(SCRIPTS_DIR)/openroad/or_groute.tcl |& tee $::env(TERMINAL_OUTPUT) $saveLOG"
    (procedure "global_routing_fastroute" line 5)
    invoked from within
    (procedure "global_routing" line 10)
    invoked from within
    (procedure "run_routing" line 27)
    invoked from within
    (procedure "run_non_interactive_mode" line 19)
    invoked from within
"run_non_interactive_mode {*}$argv"
    invoked from within
"if { [info exists flags_map(-interactive)] || [info exists flags_map(-it)] } {
	puts_info "Running interactively"
	if { [info exists arg_values(-file)..."
    (file "/openLANE_flow/flow.tcl" line 223)
make[1]: *** [Makefile:43: darksocv] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/bhawandeepsingh/Desktop/darkriscv_in_openlane/openlane'
make: *** [Makefile:71: darksocv] Error 2
I see it is exiting for some reason, but I do not know what caused the exception. I am not clear what are "obstacles" in this context and what I need to do about this. I tried to make my memory half and even quarter the size; that should decrease both the number of transistors as well as the congestion of memory-data wires, but I am still getting the same error. I also tried changing both global and detailed router types, but no change. I have set PL_ROUTABILITY_DRIVEN. I have also tried changing GLB_RT_ADJUSTMENT. Nothing has solved the issue. Can anyone help with what this is and what I can do about this ? Thanks
as openlane works, it saves pngs of various states
can you post the macro placement png
Thanks, please find it attached
I'm surprised that little one got hardened. It looks too small for power routing
can you get a result if you just use the big macro?
Thanks, I commented out darkuart instantiation in rtl, removed the gds, elf from config.tcl and macro from macro placement file. Still got the same error.
The floorpln png image looked as -
So you are hardening some macros into another macro that you are going to put into upw?
You will have to make sure you are dealing with the pdn. I don't know how that works.
I would avoid this extra layer of possible
Every level of macro you lose a layer to route on
Thanks, yes, I have macros in my design top (which is a macro itself)
Does that mean I should have no macros at all insie my design top ?
I wouldn't. But it can make wiring harder
Because you have to do all the routing and instanciation inside upw
Prof. @Matthew Guthaus I am referring to this chat for macros, thanks
@Bhawandeep Singh Harsh so you have wrapper -> top -> blocks? Yes, omit top
Thanks Prof. @Matthew Guthaus. I will use macros for the inner modules, and use rtl for design top inside the wrapper for synthesis. One question I have is, how to specify the heirarchical path for the macros in macro.cfg ?
@Bhawandeep Singh Harsh I believe the macros have to be at the top level, you can't refer to them down in the hierarchy
I could be wrong though, try it out!
It only takes a minute to try
Thanks, I have already tried the below three and none worked (Here core0 refers to the instance name for darkriscv that is supposed to be a macro inside darksocv whose instance name is design_top)) - 1.
Copy code
core0 800 400 N
Copy code
design_top.core0 800 400 N
Copy code
desing_top/core0 800 400 N
This will leave me with two options - either 1. bring the macros outside darksocv - possible but very error prone due to the way RTL Is wrriten, I can show and explain or 2. Not use macros at all
Thanks a lot @Matt Venn, I have made changes to remove macros, I have a flat design now, I still have routing issues, though different ones, as below -
Copy code
Notice 0: Finished DEF file: /project/openlane/user_project_wrapper/runs/user_project_wrapper/tmp/routing/17-addspacers.def
Min routing layer: 2
Max routing layer: 6
Global adjustment: 0.2
Unidirectional routing: true
Grid origin: (0, 0)
[INFO GRT-0004] #DB Obstructions: 0
[INFO GRT-0005] #DB Obstacles: 31494557
[INFO GRT-0006] #DB Macros: 0
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssd1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vccd2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssd2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssd2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vdda1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa1 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vdda2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vdda2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vdda2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vdda2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa2 has wires outside die area
[WARNING GRT-0022] Net vssa2 has wires outside die area
[INFO GRT-0017] Found 0 clock nets
[INFO GRT-0001] Minimum degree: 2
[INFO GRT-0002] Maximum degree: 16391
[INFO GRT-0018] Processing 15726404 obstacles on layer 1
[INFO GRT-0019] Processing 3611531 obstacles on layer 2
[INFO GRT-0022] Processing 154 obstacles on layer 5
[INFO GRT-0023] Processing 154 obstacles on layer 6
[INFO GRT-0020] Reducing resources of layer 1 by 99%
[INFO GRT-0021] Reducing resources of layer 2 by 20%
[INFO GRT-0022] Reducing resources of layer 3 by 20%
[INFO GRT-0023] Reducing resources of layer 4 by 20%
[INFO GRT-0024] Reducing resources of layer 5 by 20%
[INFO GRT-0025] Reducing resources of layer 6 by 20%
[ERROR]: during executing: "openroad -exit /openLANE_flow/scripts/openroad/or_groute.tcl |& tee >&@stdout /project/openlane/user_project_wrapper/runs/user_project_wrapper/logs/routing/18-fastroute.log"
[ERROR]: Exit code: 1
[ERROR]: Last 10 lines:
child killed: segmentation violation
Any idea what causes these wires to go out of die and what can I do about this ? Is that the (only) issue causing segmentation fault ? There is no more information in the logs. Thanks
There is something very fishy. I reduced memory size from 2K 32 bit locations to 16 32 bit locations just to see what happens. Routing still fails with below -
Copy code
Update congestion history type 2
[INFO] iteration 10, enlarge 39, costheight 69, threshold 0 via cost 0 
[INFO] log_coef 0.378039, healingTrigger 3 cost_step 2 L 1 cost_type 1 updatetype 2
[Overflow Report] total Usage   : 757215
[Overflow Report] Max H Overflow: 71
[Overflow Report] Max V Overflow: 73
[Overflow Report] Max Overflow  : 73
[Overflow Report] Num Overflow e: 11030
[Overflow Report] H   Overflow  : 257368
[Overflow Report] V   Overflow  : 274229
[Overflow Report] Final Overflow: 531597

Update congestion history type 2
[INFO] iteration 11, enlarge 39, costheight 76, threshold 0 via cost 0 
[INFO] log_coef 0.378039, healingTrigger 3 cost_step 2 L 1 cost_type 1 updatetype 2
[Overflow Report] total Usage   : 757217
[Overflow Report] Max H Overflow: 70
[Overflow Report] Max V Overflow: 74
[Overflow Report] Max Overflow  : 74
[Overflow Report] Num Overflow e: 11030
[Overflow Report] H   Overflow  : 257364
[Overflow Report] V   Overflow  : 274229
[Overflow Report] Final Overflow: 531593
There is something wierd going on.
@Bhawandeep Singh Harsh what is your placement and density setting? I've discussed this before...
@Bhawandeep Singh Harsh also, i suggest you don't P&R the memory as we discussed before
Thanks Prof. @Matthew Guthaus I have the below -
Copy code
set ::env(FP_CORE_UTIL) "40"
set ::env(PL_TARGET_DENSITY) [ expr ($::env(FP_CORE_UTIL)+5) / 100.0 ]
It is still the same even if I reduce memory size to 16 words, but I will change to an openram memory next, is there a tested reference I can use ? Thanks
If that is true, it will ignore the density
It is 0 by default, I did not change it. I have cleared it to 0 explicitly now.
did their script set it to somethign that is not default? 0 is default for OpenLane, but it doesn't mean that carvel didn't set it
caravel != openlane