Otherwise, if the net has enough fanout, Yosys wil...
# openlane
Otherwise, if the net has enough fanout, Yosys will add a buffer tree and then CTS will think it only has 1 fanout and not do CTS
In openroad-flow-scripts we remove all yosys buffering after synthesis is done and let cts & resizer redo it.
Yeah, I just isolated that it is done in step 8, resizer
Even if I disable PL_RESIZER_DESIGN_OPTIMIZATIONS it buffers it
it is the clock root coming from a pad?
It's coming from a mux
is it marked as a clock in sta?
Yes, it is
I had to do some tricks to get this to work. I made a module with the mux, so that I could set the output port as the clock
Although later, it may flatten that and have the name "\clkmux.clk" whereas clkmux.clk was a hierarchical name
I'm not sure if the escape is causing an issue
normally resizer skips clock nets so I'm not sure
the name doesn't matter just whether sta sees it as a clock based on sdc and clock propagation
Ok, so that is probably the issue. It's a good direction, thanks.
Yeah, after synthesis it finds the clock fine, but before resizer it doesn't: create_clock [get_ports $::env(CLOCK_PORT)] -name $::env(CLOCK_PORT) -period $::env(CLOCK_PERIOD) [WARNING STA-0337] port 'clkmux.clk' not found.
that's the problem then
But it definitely exists in the def: - clkmux.clk ( 4762 CLK ) ( 4761 CLK ) ...
Ah, this is again because it is looking specifically for a PORT, not a NET and it seems that it flattened my mux module
I'm still stuck how to get the driver of a net in TCL
Here's a hint: set block [ord::get_db_block] set net [$block findNet net51] foreach iterm [$net getITerms] { set mterm [$iterm getMTerm] set type [$mterm getIoType] if {$type == "OUTPUT"} { puts "[[$iterm getInst] getName]/[$mterm getName]" } }
you would have to deal with top level terms too if that is relevant
I found that I could also use TCL only using get_property. The problem was figuring out what the properties were. I did it by guess and check... pin_direction, direction (yes)
Roughly get_pins, foreach pin get property, return output
you can look at db.h as a guide to what's callable
from sta you can do get_pins -of_objects [get_net net51] and write up something similar if that is easier. At least it has a manual (and is basically sdc)
get_property [get_pins -of_objects [get_net net51] -filter direction==output] full_name
seems to work