Hi there! I'm trying to run my test design through...
# openlane
Hi there! I'm trying to run my test design through OpenLane flow and in config.tcl file I use automatic option for DIE_AREA and CORE_AREA calculations based on PL_TARGET_DENSITY_CELLS value. I set PL_TARGET_DENSITY_CELLS=0.5 and got error during global routing: End InitialPlace [ERROR GPL-0302] Filler area is negative!! Please put higher target density or Re-floorplan to have enough coreArea Error: or_replace.tcl, 94 GPL-0302 Is area calculated incorrectly in automatic mode?
No it works fine in both automated and interactive mode
So why I have this error?
You need to make changes to your config files ie config.tcl file which will point to your design,SDC, clk etc
And check your floorplan.tcl file for what you wanna understand what has really happened
Looks like you didn’t catch my question.
I guess we don't need to set anything else other than changes in config.tcl file which will point to your design,SDC, clk etc. Rest of them you can change only if we know the format of commands I guess