Any advice for debugging this odd behavior? ```INF...
# openlane
Any advice for debugging this odd behavior?
Copy code
INFO]: Obstructions added over met5 0 0 2920 3520
[INFO]: Changing layout from /Users/ronaldv/Projects/repositories/openlane/designs/sonar/runs/test/tmp/routing/46-addspacers.def to /Users/ronaldv/Projects/repositories/openlane/designs/sonar/runs/test/tmp/routing/46-addspacers.obs.def
[INFO]: Running Detailed Placement...
[INFO]: current step index: 47
OpenROAD 1 acab8e2bc2ba97db64627c8b7adfae63b55315b0
This program is licensed under the BSD-3 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
Components of this program may be licensed under more restrictive licenses which must be honored.
[INFO ODB-0222] Reading LEF file: /Users/ronaldv/Projects/repositories/openlane/designs/sonar/runs/test/tmp/merged_unpadded.lef
[WARNING ODB-0220] WARNING (LEFPARS-2036): SOURCE statement is obsolete in version 5.6 and later.
The LEF parser will ignore this statement.
To avoid this warning in the future, remove this statement from the LEF file with version 5.6 or later. See file /Users/ronaldv/Projects/repositories/openlane/designs/sonar/runs/test/tmp/merged_unpadded.lef at line 862.

[INFO ODB-0223]     Created 13 technology layers
[INFO ODB-0224]     Created 25 technology vias
[INFO ODB-0225]     Created 441 library cells
[INFO ODB-0226] Finished LEF file:  /Users/ronaldv/Projects/repositories/openlane/designs/sonar/runs/test/tmp/merged_unpadded.lef
[INFO ODB-0127] Reading DEF file: /Users/ronaldv/Projects/repositories/openlane/designs/sonar/runs/test/tmp/routing/46-addspacers.obs.def
[INFO ODB-0128] Design: user_project_wrapper
[INFO ODB-0094] 		Created 100000 Insts
[INFO ODB-0094] 		Created 1000000 Insts
[INFO ODB-0130]     Created 645 pins.
[INFO ODB-0131]     Created 1072950 components and 4104673 component-terminals.
[INFO ODB-0132]     Created 8 special nets and 0 connections.
[INFO ODB-0133]     Created 20240 nets and 102435 connections.
[INFO ODB-0134] Finished DEF file: /Users/ronaldv/Projects/repositories/openlane/designs/sonar/runs/test/tmp/routing/46-addspacers.obs.def
[WARNING DPL-0011] Could not find power special net.
[WARNING DPL-0019] detailed placement failed on FILLER_1285_6229
[WARNING DPL-0019] detailed placement failed on FILLER_1285_6245
[WARNING DPL-0019] detailed placement failed on FILLER_1285_6257
[WARNING DPL-0019] detailed placement failed on FILLER_1285_6273
WARNING DPL-0019] message limit reached, this message will no longer print
Placement Analysis
total displacement   26712575.5 u
average displacement       24.9 u
max displacement          503.0 u
original HPWL        41851298.2 u
legalized HPWL       43786853.5 u
delta HPWL                    5 %

[INFO DPL-0020] Mirrored 31538 instances
[INFO DPL-0021] HPWL before          43786853.5 u
[INFO DPL-0022] HPWL after           43755581.6 u
[INFO DPL-0023] HPWL delta               -0.1 %
[WARNING DPL-0005] Overlap check failed (54883).
 FILLER_1005_1481 overlaps FILLER_1004_1523
 FILLER_1005_1505 overlaps FILLER_1004_1511
 FILLER_1005_1513 overlaps FILLER_1005_1511
 FILLER_1005_2391 overlaps FILLER_1004_2449
 FILLER_1005_2433 overlaps FILLER_1004_2437
 FILLER_1006_2361 overlaps FILLER_1004_2397
 FILLER_1006_2394 overlaps ANTENNA__15546__B2
 FILLER_1006_3737 overlaps FILLER_1005_3732
 FILLER_1006_3749 overlaps FILLER_1006_3737
 FILLER_1006_3757 overlaps FILLER_1003_3753
 FILLER_1006_4029 overlaps ANTENNA__13213__A2_N
refuse to place most cells and fails
Its odd that can’t place most cells as there was plenty of room, probably added too many fillers…