Hi, is there a way to use `always` blocks, `!` or ...
# openlane
Hi, is there a way to use
inside the user_project_wrapper? I get the following erros when I do make user_project_wrapper . I get the following errors: • With
unexpected REG Error: or_sta.tcl, 31 STA-0164
• With
I get:
module $logic_not not found
• With
I get:
module $not not found
Any idea or any suggestion? Thanks.
always do attach complete log file for debugging
you can't do any thing that requires synthesis in the top level user_project_wrapper
only wiring
Ok, thanks. But I have seen projects from mpw2 that they do it. Maybe it's something new?
copy the way the user_proj_example is done: a smaller module that is hardened on its own, and then just wired in at the top level
no, it's never been done
well I'm not saying people haven't tried - just that the config has never supported it
I have seen it in the operan_testchip. Ok, I will do something like the user_proj_example
Thanks for answering
can you link the project you think does it?
I'm curious
go to line 119
ok yes,
and they have also changed the config
to make top level synthesis work
I don't know the ramifications of that, perhaps @User could shed some light on that
ahhhhhhhhhhh, I see. Is that allowed and recommendable? Or it is better to harden some macros even that they are small to do that logic and then place all the macros in the wrapper?
still, I would avoid doing it myself because anything you do differently gives more places for weird problems that other people will then struggle to help you with
personally I wouldn't recommend it
ok, thanks
This was on mpw2. I don't believe there should be any issue with it but Matt is right that it was different.
@User how can you connect the power pins of the SRAMs if they are inside a macro? Placing all of the logic in a hardened block was going to affect the timing of the wrapper logic too much so we avoided it.
yeah that was a problem for a lot of people not being able to do synthesis at the top level. I don't understand the reason for it
In fact, commenting
set ::env(SYNTH_TOP_LEVEL) 1
makes my project to don't find the openRAM module macro