How does openlane and open-MPW precheck relate to ...
# openlane
How does openlane and open-MPW precheck relate to each other? So after doing the layout in magic, I convert it to the GSDII files using openlane, and then run the precheck? I am trying to use the analog_wrapper for my design and did not see OpenLane used in the caravel analog documentation.
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Openlane is used for the digital flow. If you are doing a pure analog design, you don't need Openlane. The precheck scripts will check your design with the rules for merging with caravel/caraven test hardness and the rules for fabrication. It also check the DRC rules. You can run precheck with your analog wrapper and fix all the violations before submitting it for the tapeout job.
👍 1
@UserIf i do not need to install Openlane, would I still be able to use the docker for full chip simulation, or do I need to install the simulation environment locally? Thanks!
As far as I remember, the simulator is iverilog. You just need to install the GCC compiler for RISC-V and iverilog to run the simulation. Docker image is just a simple way to do this.
Thanks for the help!