Getting started with openlane anyone? I wanna desi...
# openlane
Getting started with openlane anyone? I wanna design a 2 bit delta Sigma modulator. All i have is experience with sky130 and Xschem with Ngspice. What changes in the flow? Do i have to create a schematic in Xschem and then extract the Verilog code?? Idk. Can someone help me with what is the flow i would be looking at ?
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@User yes verilog code enough to start openlane
Thanks, One thing was bugging me, in mixed signal let's suppose I have a Verilog code as well as a design in transistor level for analog stuff. How does that work with openlane? Can I just integrate both together?
Currently openlane supports digital block only.
So how is it mixed signal then πŸ€”
Use openlane for digital block hardening and use caravel for analog part
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As it is mixed signal, I recommend doing following: 1. Make verilog of digital part, verify it using iverilog 2. Run openlane to get GDS + SPICE 3. Make analog parts as was described in analog design answer of your question. 4. Use caravan (user_analog wrapper) and make a GDS and SPICE that connects the digital and analog parts. For spice you can use Xschem for more visual stuff. 5. pass precheck, send it to efabless
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@User Thanks, i will try this for sure.
@User Thanks, that makes things clear