Hi, I am trying to install OpenLane following the ...
# openlane
Hi, I am trying to install OpenLane following the instructions here https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenLane, but I already have open_pdks and the skywater-pdk setup with make timing run. I want to skip the make pdks step and provide a PDK_ROOT to calling make test. But even if I export PDK_ROOT=/usr/local/share/pdk the make test or even make mount seem to override PDK_ROOT to the pdks folder in my OpenLane directory. How can I call make test or make mount but provide my own PDK paths?
This is not recommended. Use the openpdk generated by the OpenLane. It takes 20 minutes and 3GB of space to build.
You still should be able to override the pdk root. What version are you on?
@User my apologies I missed the notification, thanks for looking into this! I am on version 2022.03.03_02.36.44 I ran: $ export PDK_ROOT=/usr/local/share/pdk before running make test, but it appears that the makefile is overriding this.
This is probably where the overriding happens in the makefile. But if I manually change the PDK_ROOT here, that doesn’t seem to work either
Could you try to not use sudo for make test? Also type env (or similar command for your shell) that outputs the enviorments. The override variable external pdk installation in particular
Also if you dont need to use that particular version of pdk, you should be able to use the prebuilt pdk. Is it giving you issues too?
@User You can port any PDK with openlane. But its should follow hierarchy as follows: https://github.com/The-OpenROAD-Project/OpenLane/blob/master/docs/source/pdk_structure.md
@User He is not porting a pdk, just trying to use his prebuilt sky130A one
First export PDK_ROOT=<path> followed by
make pull-openlane
then do
make test
@User Yes you're right. Due to /usr/local/share/pdk they may face access problem.
sudo make test
will work
best thing install PDK_ROOT where user have full access
I have a new theory of what happened here.
sudo make test
is possibly not considering my user space’s PDK_ROOT env variable (as root won’t have it?) So instead I’ll try
sudo PDK_ROOT=<custom path> make test
Yes this is correct sudo overrides your enviorment. There is option to force it to not override it. But again: better build it somewhere you have access to.