On the latest version of Openlane, I only see the ...
# openlane
On the latest version of Openlane, I only see the summary of the stage being run whereas previously you could see the full output of every tool redirected to the terminal. This change is fine, but I'd prefer to enable full redirection of output. I can't find any option in the documentation to do this. Anyone have quick pointer before I dig into the tcl myself?
Please refer respective stage and
directory for detailed message
I know I can πŸ™‚ - but that is after the run has finished!
Need to check with @User is there any option to print logs in terminal too?
-verbose 99
-verbose 1 adds more info, -verbose 2 and up is identical to older versions of OpenLane
I'd recommend 99 as I can definitely see us adding more verbose levels in the future
Thanks! Is
hidden? It isn't documented anywhere.
Also is there a help menu in
No, I forgot to document it. Apologies, that's on me.
Nope, no -help. We'd have to add it manually as well.
Nope, no -help. We'd have to add it manually as well.
No pressure πŸ™‚, but it would be nice to have it. I'm a bit old school when it comes to documentation πŸ˜›.
I personally prefer -help too, but the founders' decision to use Tcl continues to make my life as maintainer hell :)