Hi <@U016MJQ06J2>. In my searches I found that the...
# riscv
Hi @User. In my searches I found that there is a lot of open licensed IP for peripherals on wishbone.
So, should we go for Wishbone B4? so it will allow us to use that open licensed IP peripherals.
Thanks for suggestion @Adrian Freed
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This study compares buses for Open Core use: http://cdn.opencores.org/downloads/soc_bus_comparison.pdf . Note that the open source cores I found are in a variety of languages and with different flows, VHDL, Verilog, Scala - to name a few. Your decision may want to also be based on what you want to put on the bus and the shortest path to that IP. I got briefly excited about a Lattice Verilog example and then discovered I couldn’t look at it without promising to only run it on Lattice FPGAs. This was a good reminder to me to look carefully at the license details: “free” and “open” are subject to interpretation.
thanks @Adrian Freed, very useful
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