Hi! I seem to have encountered some problems while...
# ieee-sscs-dc-23
Hi! I seem to have encountered some problems while setting up the environment in Colab.While I was following this guide on installation, https://github.com/sscs-ose/sscs-ose-chipathon.github.io/blob/main/template_notebook_to_follow.ipynb When I try to run the code line " !mamba env update -n base -f environment.yml" for setting up the conda environment, the running result is that my pinning does not match what is currently installed. Can anyone tell me how to solve this set up problem, thank you!
https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1zpwZ8g7JPRN5_i4BpfZMvvKiYqvuhuu9?usp=sharing This is the notebook that record my operations in Colab.
Thanks for checking. I am not sure I fully understand the issue. Can you give me access to your notebook below:
https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1zpwZ8g7JPRN5_i4BpfZMvvKiYqvuhuu9?usp=sharing This is the notebook that record my operations in Colab.
Okay, I know what the issue is. I will fix it later today.
This should be fixed now.
"Your pinning does not match what's currently installed. Please remove the pin and fix your installation Pin: python=3.9 Currently installed: conda-forge/linux-64::python==3.8.15=h4a9ceb5_0_cpython " This is the error message that appeared on my output port. The problem seem to be that while runnning the Boostraping conda environment codes, my python environment is forced to be 3.8.15, while initially it is 3.9.16.
The problem still exist.This is my notebook for setting up. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1m12mltdkmUWGjN8A_Wfv4XtfNn6we8lC?usp=sharing Sorry for forgetting to set the notebook to open access.