How should I interpret this LVS results? ```Number...
# caravan
How should I interpret this LVS results?
Copy code
Number of devices: 580                     |Number of devices: 580                     
Number of nets: 655                        |Number of nets: 655                        
Resolving automorphisms by property value.
Resolving automorphisms by pin name.
Netlists match with 2 symmetries.
Netlists do not match.
   Networks match locally but not globally.
   Probably connections are swapped.
   Check the end of logfile outputs/lvs_results.log for implicated nodes.
NET mismatches: Class fragments follow (with fanout counts):
A clip of the
is like this:
Copy code
Net: aux_osc____del5____inand/A            |Net: 1002                                  
  sky130_fd_sc_hs__nand2_4/A = 1           |  sky130_fd_sc_hs__nand2_4/Y = 1           
  sky130_fd_sc_hs__nand2_4/Y = 1           |  sky130_fd_sc_hs__nand2_4/A = 1           